The Fine Ads – Cyprus Artistic Platform is extremely pleased to announce our first Artist Showcase presenting Mrs Niki Georghiou Kyriakou. This first Artist Showcase, also marks the launch of our “Art for Sale” section in our eShop, where some of the paintings of Mrs Niki Georghiou Kyriakou are now available for purchase. Contact Us for more information or if you are interested in selling/showcasing your art.
Artist Biography
Born in Larnaka Cyprus, where holds her family with husband and two boys. From a kid she follows classes and seminars on art-related work concentrated on drawings. Semi-Professional Church Art (icons) on a wide portfolio for considerable time in the past. For the last four years Niki is under guidance and supervision on one of the top artists in Cyprus, ‘Konstantinos Ptochopoulos’ still learning and developing her artistic skills.
Artist Statement
I have my family, husband and 2 children living in Larnaka. Formal art training includes 4 years at Ptochopoulos Artist and various seminars and classes from a young age. Portfolio includes 5 or 6 full years in icons (church drawing of Saints) from 2009 to 2015.
Rembrandt and Caravaggio are influencers of my work focus, of whom I admire their legendary works for society and art-world in general.
When not working on my art I enjoy dance, being one of my main hobbies.
Since I was a kid, I remember myself loving to paint around, with passion and desire to improve and develop my skills.
My painting style concentrates on Modern art – with a Classical note of time in history – portraits, landscapes and sketch work.
“Art is the touch between the hand, the heart and the mind in providing a work of art”